Resilient: Becoming Faithful in an Upside Down World

posted by Alex Crosby | Apr 1, 2022


Hebrews 5:7-10  

As Jesus is lifting up loud cries and prayers filled with tears, we see that God is teaching Him obedience. As He endured suffering, He learned obedience to His heavenly father. When we suffer, we must view it as opportunities to learn from God how to live according to His will. It is not the will of God that we should suffer, but it is the plan and desire of God to shape us and mold us to be more like Jesus. As Jesus looked towards the cross, he knew the fate and the pain that would be found there. But He still carries out God’s plan, no matter how painful it will be. Because Jesus held to the will of God, He became the source of eternal salvation.

Reflect on a time when you have prayed with loud cries or with tears. How did the Lord respond during that particular moment or season?

Jesus learned obedience from the things He suffered. How is the Lord trying to teach you obedience through your current sufferings?