Resilient: Becoming Faithful in an Upside Down World

posted by Megan Oates | Mar 26, 2022


Ephesians 2:1-10

Paul is reminding us of God’s great mercy and grace that has saved us. We have been rescued from death by Jesus who graciously absorbed the wrath that was meant for us. Now, we can experience life to the fullest, no longer dead because of our sins, but alive because of Christ. This renewal of life brings total transformation. Our spiritual position has changed, along with our mindsets and lifestyles. Jesus truly changes everything! He gives hope to our future and redeems our past. We don’t deserve the fresh start, but as it says in verse 4 and 5, “...God is so rich in mercy, and he loved us so much, that even though we were dead because of our sins; he gave us life when he raised Christ from the dead. If you have a relationship with Jesus, you have a “before” and “after” story. It’s important to remember what you were brought out of (spiritual death) and what you were brought into (spiritual life). During this time with the Lord, remember what He has brought you out of and what He has saved you from. Salvation results in life change.

What are some of the changes that have occurred in your life after beginning your relationship with Jesus?